Meteorological surveillance in face of the danger of severe local storms in the eastern region


  • Yanneyis Rojas-Díaz Centro Meteorológico Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Alis Varela-de la Rosa Centro de Pronóstico del Tiempo, Insmet, Cuba.
  • Enrique Perigó-Roman Centro Meteorológico Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Rodelkys Hernández-Turcás Centro Meteorológico Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Andrés Aragón-Matos Centro Meteorológico Guantánamo, Cuba


Severe Local Storms; Behavior; Aeroavalanches


The objective of the research is to determine the behavior of Severe Local Storms in the eastern region from 1980 to 2022. From the review of the meteorological notes prepared by the Provincial Meteorological Centers, a table of reports was created, where graphs of the distribution by years, months and severity events were processed and constructed. Holguín province stands out as the one with the highest number of reports, highlighting the months of July and May; hail and aeroavalanches are the manifestations with the highest incidence. The results contribute to the efficiency of their forecast and consequently to mitigating the possible damage they cause, being of great value for the application of preventive measures aimed at reducing the risk and damage caused by these natural disasters, providing an effective tool for the increase in the effectiveness of the Meteorological Surveillance Systems provided in the easternmost region of the country.


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How to Cite

Rojas-Díaz, Y. ., Varela-de la Rosa, A. ., Perigó-Roman, E. ., Hernández-Turcás, R. ., & Aragón-Matos, A. . (2024). Meteorological surveillance in face of the danger of severe local storms in the eastern region. Man, Science and Technology, 28(3), 59–69. Retrieved from




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