Behavior of Physical and Chemical Indicators in a Little Evolved Soil after its restoration
Skeletal soil, Physical and chemical properties of soil, Coastal bush, Semi-arid zoneAbstract
With the objective of evaluating the behavior of the physical and chemical indicators of a Poorly Evolved soil after its restoration. Three areas were selected in a coastal and subcoastal xeromorphic scrubland, in El Rosal, Imías, Guantánamo, In each one, sampling was carried out to determine the physical indicators (penetration resistance, infiltration rate, apparent density) and chemical indicators (MO, C, P, K, pH), which were analyzed in the Soils laboratory. UCTB Guantanamo. The results show that the chemical indicators were found to have some differences between the restored area, the degraded area and a natural forest in terms of potassium and pH, the phosphorus values for all cases are classified as high, as well as the organic matter. . , supporting an increase in fertility. The physical indicators show that they present a certain degree of degradation, reflected by high levels of compaction.
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