Conservation proposal for Calycophyllum candidissimum(Vahl) DC in El Salvador municipality


  • Lisbeidi Arias - Lamarú Estudiante del Centro Universitario El Salvador
  • Hayler María Pérez - Trejo Unidad de Servicios Ambientales Alejandro de Humboldt (UPSA) Delegación Territorial del CITMA Guantánamo, Cuba.


Conservation proposal; Evaluation indicators


The forests of the municipality of El Salvador are highly fragmented, as a consequence of the fact that 60% of its population is settled in areas close to it. The density of the species Calycophyllum candidissimum in the semi-deciduous mesophilic forests was monitored, taking into account the relationship between mortality, recruitment and natural regeneration and proposing a conservation plan with 20 activities distributed in the different research areas, The latter is proposed to be carried out with three criteria, 11 indicators and 19 evaluation parameters that will increase the presence of this species in these forests because of its high ecological and economic value, it is advisable to use it in agrosilvicultural methods, to shade the coffee plantations and to enrich the secondary forests


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How to Cite

Arias - Lamarú, L. ., & Pérez - Trejo, H. M. . (2024). Conservation proposal for Calycophyllum candidissimum(Vahl) DC in El Salvador municipality. Man, Science and Technology, 28(3), 96–104. Retrieved from


