Environmental education for protecting the hydrographic basins of Palenque, Guayabal y Toa rivers in Yateras municipality


  • Eddy Pérez-Velázquez Delegación Territorial del CITMA Guantánamo, Cuba


Environmental educational; Hydrographic basins; Conservation, Environment and sustainability


This research is related to environmental education for the protection of the hydrographic basins of Palenque, Guayabal and Toa rivers in Yateras municipality, the objective to be fulfilled is to achieve a broad participation of the population and the productive forms of the localities in training and workshops to expand knowledge in caring for the environment and in turn mitigate the negative effects of inappropriate use of soils on the slopes of the basins under study, the work is relevant, through the application of the system of planned actions, the participation of the different actors in the recovery of the affected areas was achieved, allowing the sustainability of the work carried out, something new, is that the care and conservation of the areas has been achieved, increasing plantations of fruit trees and other endogenous species, being able to generalize this work to other basins of the country.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Velázquez, . E. (2024). Environmental education for protecting the hydrographic basins of Palenque, Guayabal y Toa rivers in Yateras municipality. Man, Science and Technology, 27(4), 74–79. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/1367


