Starting time of electrical storms for the Guantanamo province


  • Yanneyis Rojas-Díaz Centro Meteorológico Provincial, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lourdes Álvarez-Escudero Centro de Física de las Nubes, Insmet, Cuba.
  • Israel Borrajero-Montejo Centro de Física de las Nubes, Insmet, Cuba.
  • Enrique Perigó-Roman Centro Meteorológico Provincial, Guantánamo, Cuba.


Thunderstorms; Start time; Active period


Electrical storms cause great socioeconomic damage in the areas where they impact, which is essential to determine their start time. To carry out the study, the records of the phenomenon model of the 5 meteorological stations that the province of Guantanamo has, concerning the period 1980 - 2022, were consulted. The data obtained was organized and processed by means of the Microsoft Excel computer tool. It is concluded that the start time of the storms occurs most frequently between 12:00 - 13:00 hours of the 750 W meridian, except at station 368 it occurs between 14:00 - 15:00 hours; while the largest numbers of cases occur during the active period, the start time between 00:00 - 01:00 in the morning is also important. This research constitutes a tool in preventive management to mitigate the damage they generate.


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How to Cite

Rojas-Díaz, Y. ., Álvarez-Escudero, L. ., Borrajero-Montejo, I. ., & Perigó-Roman, E. . (2024). Starting time of electrical storms for the Guantanamo province. Man, Science and Technology, 27(1), 66–74. Retrieved from




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