Weed problems in the sugarcane ecosystem of the Guantánamo province
Problem weeds; Sugarcane; EcosystemAbstract
Cuba has a rich tradition in the production of sugar cane; a crop that is important for the country due to its extension and distribution, as well as supplying raw material for the manufacture of sugar, which is why preserving the bed free of weeds for its effective development is a priority for sugarcane growers. The work was developed in sugarcane areas of Guantánamo province between 2006-2020, with the objective of evaluating the frequency of occurrence of arboreal species problems in the sugarcane ecosystem. As a result of the research, six problem weed species were identified: Brachiaria mutica, Panicum maxima, Sorghum halepense, Dichanthium annulatum, Cynodon dactylon and Cyperus rotundus. Statistical analysis showed that there was no difference between years, but there was a difference between weeds, where C. dactylon was significantly different from the rest of the species.
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