Distribution of Raoiella indica in Guantánamo province
species, inventory, identification and presenceAbstract
The red coconut mite is an exotic species that is affecting the Guantánamo province; therefore, the work is aimed at determining the distribution of Raoiella indica in the province. The research was developed during January 2019 to January 2020, where different locations of the ten municipalities of the province and the host plants were inventoried. The phytophagous was detected in all the municipalities with the highest presence in Baracoa, Imias, San Antonio del Sur and the main municipality. A total of 14 host plants were identified, where the highest percentage of representation was in Baracoa with 100%, Imias and Guantánamo with 57.14%, Salvador, Caimanera and Yateras with 50%. The samplings carried out showed a significant difference in the populations of the red mite, where of a total of 882 samples collected, 531 were positive, which represented 61.2% of positivity.
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