Strategy for the treatment of environmental education in the specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Strategy, Environmental education, environmental training, environmental problemsAbstract
A descriptive study was carried out to develop an Environmental Education Strategy, for the environmental training of the future Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used. The universe was made up of 12 professors from the teaching staff and 4 students of the specialty in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. A survey was carried out to determine the need for the proposed strategy and a socialization workshop in the teaching staff to evaluate the application methods, it was revealed that all respondents refer to the need to apply the aspects of environmental education in the first year of the specialty and define the modules that address the strategy. It is concluded that the teaching program offers possibilities for the development of the Strategy, since it allows the treatment of environmental problems from the modules that comprise it, for the environmental training of the future Specialist.
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