Socio-environmental factors in the transmission of the human papilloma in women living in communities in fragile ecosystems
socioenvironmental factors; diagnosis; Human Papilloma; communities in fragile ecosystems.Abstract
The results of the Therapeutic Diagnostic Perspective Project of low-grade intraepithelial lesions of the lower genital tract (LGT), executed by the General Teaching Hospital Dr. Agostinho Neto from Guantanamo, are presented. Using empirical, theoretical, and statistical mathematical methods, primary information on Human Papilloma and LGT lesions was obtained in a group sample of female patients from communities in fragile ecosystems located in rural areas belonging to Guantanamo province. Referents and theoretical foundations for this study were systematized, identifying the scientific problem on how to contribute to the strengthening of the socio-environmental culture in the prevention of the Human Papillomavirus. A policy of actions for the development of an important community environmental culture for its prevention was suggested.
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