Maintenance and conservation actions for the Baga forest in the Baitiquirí ecological reservation
floristic diversity, structures, gallery forest, geolocation.Abstract
The research was carried out in the Baitiquiri Ecological Reservation (BER), in the San Antonio del Sur municipality, Guantánamo Province, with the objective of proposing silvicultural actions for the rehabilitation of the Tortuguilla Stream gallery forest. Sixteen plots of 10 x 10 m were erected, randomly distributed over an area of 2.28 ha on both banks of the stream. Both forests were statistically compared in terms of their richness, composition, structure, diversity and abundance. The species with the highest value index of ecological importance and the families with the highest representativeness in terms of species were determined. 238 individuals represented in 12 families belonging to 17 genera and 17 species were identified, the families with the greatest species richness are Meliaceae, Clusiaceae, Anacardiaceae and Boraginaceae. Actions are proposed for the rehabilitation of the Tortuguilla Stream gallery forest, which include the construction of hydroregulatory strips and forest reconstruction.
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