About the Journal

The journal Man, Science and Technology, is edited by the Center for Information and Technology Management of the Provincial Delegation of CITMA in Guantanamo, also edited since 1997, designed for all professionals involved in science and technology applied to fragile ecosystems, covering plus all the essentials: Fragile ecosystems affected by severe drought, Integrated Pest Management, Sustainable Agricultural Development, Integrated Soil and Nutrient, Sustainable Production in Mountain Ecosystems (coffee, cocoa, forestry, fruit) and Environmental Management in Fragile Ecosystems . Publishes original articles and is subject to a process of evaluation and peer review and blindly national and international arbitration, provided that they have obtained the approval of their respective Councils Scientific and Technical Advisory Councils. It promotes domestic and international exchange of knowledge.

It has a quarterly frequency and it's published in the months of:

january: period from january to march.
april: period from april to june.
july: period from july to september.
october: period from october to december.

The journal Hombre, Ciencia y Tecnología does not charge any type of fee or charge for publication and assumes the International Creative Commons Non-Commercial 4.0 License